Photographer: Gerardo Sierra
Wardrobe styling: Aramara Corona
Model: Niko Persi @ Queta Rojas
Clothes: Sladom Leather

A daring editorial that breaks boundaries and blends two iconic materials in an unexpected harmony.

Traditionally, the BDSM community often keeps latex and leather in separate realms, each with its distinct allure and cultural significance. However, in this editorial, we decided to challenge that norm and bring these materials together in a fashion-forward, complementary way.

Our photoshoot captures the essence of this fusion: a latex top, emblematic of the rubber culture, paired seamlessly with 100% leather pants. This combination isn’t about choosing one over the other but rather celebrating how both materials can coexist and enhance each other.

Adding to the unique aesthetic, the photos are developed in cyan tones, reminiscent of the late ’90s and early 2000s cinematography. This choice not only adds a nostalgic touch but also amplifies the bold and edgy vibe we aimed to convey.

Join us as we explore this intriguing blend of rubber and leather, and discover how these materials can transcend their traditional roles to create a striking, fashion-forward look.